Bethlehem Rose Garden Winter Pruning Events

The Bethlehem Rose Garden now has a design in place by Pam Ruch (a local horticulturist) and Stephen Scanniello (a well-known rose garden designer/consultant). The design calls for transplanting all of the roses in the central rectangular beds to the outer rings to make room for new roses in the center of the garden.

On January 23rd, members of Lehigh Valley Rose Society got together in the Bethlehem Rose Garden to discuss pruning the roses and getting everyone on the same page. We got the rectangular beds in one of the quadrants pruned and felt that it was time to "call it a day," in the cold winds of January!

The following Saturday (January 30th), was the "Community Winter Pruning" event. We had a great turn out of local volunteers that braved the cold and we managed to get the rectangular beds in the other 3 quadrants pruned.

We've set a date of February 20th to start pruning the roses in the outer rings of the rose garden (listed on our "Calendar" page).


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